Pastry Fillers Berliner & Donuts Pastry Filling Machines
New and used pastry filling machines & Pastry fillers for Berliners, donuts, croissants in the large selection at BackTim.
Manual and electric pastry fillers with different bowl variants.
Electric pastry filler Edhard with different bowl variants and filling spouts. Edhard pastry filler complete for donuts and donuts. Edhard pastry filler complete with 5.5 l funnel and two 7mm filling tips.
Pastry filler for the Lokma pastry filling machine - donut filler Dosing quantity: 1 g / 30 g Filling quantity: 3 l 1 nozzle dia 6 mm nozzles dia 8 and 10 mm
Manual pastry filler Filling donuts or pastries
5 liter bowl with stainless steel lid